Three Streams
From our outset we have been clearly a three-stream movement and diocese, with members representing a range of Evangelical, Anglo-Catholic and Charismatic streams within Anglicanism. Our bishops have always felt that each of these three streams has served to enrich us as a diocese.
In his address to our 2008 diocesan synod the Rev. Canon Dr. J.I. Packer, our Theologian Emeritus, said, “We are not Evangelical, Anglo-Catholic or Charismatic in party or sectarian terms, but under the guidance of Scripture we seek to enter into the strengths of all three, and thus to model what we hope and pray will be the Anglicanism of the future.”
Two Integrities
As a diocese, on the issue of women’s ordination we include what is sometimes known as two integrities:
Those whom by conviction hold the belief that women scripturally are welcomed to be ordained to the priesthood or presbyterate, and those who believe they are not. Our House of Bishops has supported the inclusion of these two integrities and believe that this support has been very important for the health and future of our diocese.
In our diocese we have many women ordained as deacons and priests. In his charge at our 2020 diocesan synod our diocesan bishop, the Right Reverend Charlie Masters, said, “women who are called to be ordained are welcomed and needed. We have a big job to do and we need ‘all hands on deck.’”
What is schism and who are the schismatics?
According to Dr James I Packer, “Schism means unwarrantable and unjustifiable dividing of organized church bodies, by the separating of one group within the structure from the rest of the membership. Schism, as such, is sin, for it is a needless and indefensible breach of visible unity. But withdrawal from a unitary set-up that has become unorthodox and distorts the gospel in a major way and will not put its house in order… should be called not schism but realignment, doubly so when the withdrawal leads to links with a set-up that is faithful to the truth…” Dr George Egerton adds that it is those who cause the “tear in the fabric” of the communion by introducing unbiblical teaching who are schismatic. In a 2009 lecture in England, Dr Packer addressed the broader topic of the Church and schism.
Christians and sexual morality
In 2004, Canon David Short (St John’s Vancouver) addressed an Anglican Essentials Canada conference, with a study on sexual morality, Christians and Church discipline based on St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. Canon Short concludes, “The principle is clear: it is not possible to have communion with those who call themselves Christian but who condone and practice sexual immorality… there is no room for self-righteousness or superiority on the part of any of us… The gospel of Christ crucified offers grace to all who fail, it does not matter how far we may have fallen it is not too late for us to turn to Christ for his forgiving grace. But grace without transformation is cheap grace…” Read the entire paper.