Legacy Fund Videos
At Synod 2018 in Abbotsford there were reports given for five different children and youth initiatives supported in the past year by the Bishop Donald and Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund. The Legacy Fund is dedicated to supporting creative, sustainable ministry initiatives in the Anglican Network in Canada which nurture and disciple children and young people. These five church initiatives which were supported in 2018 created short videos from their programs. We’ve included them below.
The Legacy Fund, and the initiatives it supports, is 100% dependant on donations from churches and individuals. If you would like to see the Legacy Fund continue you can use the link below to donate. In the Make a donation form under FUND select “Bishop Don & Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund”.
Five kids initiatives in the Anglican Network in Canada (ANiC) supported by the Bishop Donald and Trudy Harvey Legacy Fund in 2018.
1) St. Andrew's, Delta, BC
2) St. George's, Burlington, ON
3) St. Peter's Fireside, Vancouver, BC
4) Good Shepherd, Calgary, AB
5) Saint Timothy's, Pointe-Claire, QB