World Mission Sunday is a day appointed each year for us especially to remember our commission from Jesus to “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Here’s a note from Canon Brian McVitty about it:
World Mission Sunday is February 23, 2025 which is the second last Sunday in Epiphany. This is an opportunity for us to highlight God’s work around the world and to raise money for the global mission projects that we support.
Writing to all the churches in ACNA, Archbishop Steve Woods says,
“World Mission Sunday is February 23 and on this special Sunday, we set aside time to call our people to remembrance. Remembrance of Christ, the Light to the nations, revealed to the world as her only true and lasting hope. Remembrance as well of our responsibility and entrustment to carry forth the saving word of the Gospel. As you may already know, evangelism and mission are close to my heart as I am persuaded they are at the very heart of our faith.”
See the Archbishop’s full letter here.
As mentioned in Archbishop Woods’ letter there are wonderful resources to assist your parish in celebrating World Mission Sunday. These resources are on the New Wineskins web site:
Here you will find prayers and intercessions plus educational resources.
Canon Brian McVitty
On Mission Co-ordinator